Electrolytes are fundamental to good health. They transmit millions of messages per second through the nervous system. Electrolytes aid in brain, h...
What is Phosphatidylcholine and How Can it Benefit Your Health?
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Whether or not Robinson Crusoe was sustained by it, coconut water—not coconut milk—has gathered a following among those fitness fans looking for an...
Caring for our bodies and our brains takes a great deal of effort, and it starts with a nourishing, healthy diet. Consuming tasty, nutrient-dense f...
What you can do to help support healthy detoxification Detoxification has become a buzzing topic amongst health-conscious people today. I have witn...
Our Powerhouses - How Can We Slow the Aging Process & Optimize Our Mitochondria? What really ARE mitochondria anyway? What’s all the hype arou...
Coronavirus. If you turn on your TV or radio or tune into your favorite podcast, news of the virus’s spread across the globe is unavoidable. While ...
@justinestenger shares some of her favorite ways to add EFA’s and PC into your food. By now I hope most of you understand the importance of essenti...
Key Takeaways: Antibiotics not only act on bacteria that cause infections but also affect the resident microbiota Resident microbia play crucial...
Citicoline is found in many nootropic stacks and is talked about in the biohacking community often. Although citicoline is a beneficial nutrient fo...
Butyrate is a supplement science says we should all get behind. Key takeaways: The microbiome is a community that involves everything from digest...
Key Takeaways: We cannot make enough butyrate because we eat too few resistant starches Butyrate is a necessary component to a balanced microbiom...