Is It The Time To Take Your Vitamins?

Lots of people take vitamins and minerals without knowing the reason. It might be that a friend recommended them or because “everybody takes vitami...

Healthy Smile And Nutrition

Got teeth? Wanna keep ‘em? Brush the ones you want to keep. The others? Might as well brush them while you’re at it. How come? Because we said so? ...

Vitamin C For Bone Health?

The human skeleton offers shape and protection to the body. It supplies a place for organs to attach or to be supported. It comprises 206 bones, th...

Kidney Stones: The Basics

Ureterolithiasis, renal calculi, nephrolithiasis and kidney stone all mean the same thing: agony. The nurse told us the pain is equivalent to pas...

Is Sugar Affecting Your Immunity?

Almost forty years ago scientists had an interest in the relationship of diet to health, specifically of sugar intake to immunity. But their curi...

Child Athletes Nutrition

“Most children and adolescents who are strongly committed to sports are not concerned about nutrition as it relates to energy balance and obesity,”...

ADHD and Magnesium

An analysis of eighteen different study groups performed by Marianne Moussain-Bosc and her colleagues at a French institute for nervous system stud...