Fructose Is an Inflammatory Word

Inflammatory words arouse strong emotion. Related to our physical being, the term “inflammatory” refers to the body’s strong response to invasion b...

Gut Health, Body Health

The large intestine is seldom the topic of conversation, with the possible exception of surgeons and gastroenterologists. Most “civilians” don’t pa...

The Skinny On Skin

Unlike other organs of the body, skin nutrition can be enhanced by “direct deposit” through topical application of micronutrients, which can comple...

OMEGA-3’S Effect On Aging

Have you ever stopped to think there might be a difference between aging and getting old? Some ancient texts declare old age a virtue and a blessin...

Protein Zaps Belly Fat

In a sedentary, over-fed, yet undernourished society, the dissolution of abdominal fat with a magic bullet is an incessant quest. First, we cut ou...

Blood Pressure And Body Fat

The upper part of the normal blood pressure range can be a danger zone for heart attack and stroke. Investigators at Kaiser Permanente, in Portlan...