Stress and Childhood Obesity

Being a kid doesn’t necessarily mean having a carefree life, yet that’s how most adults view childhood. Because kids don’t have jobs, bills to pay,...

Cancer And Sugar: How Sweet It Isn’t

Talk about linking sugar to cancer can be confusing. The “facts” are often presented in a misleading manner that can cause anxiety in those who hav...

Why Bother Exercising?

In our earnest attempts to maintain physical fitness and overall wellness, we occasionally overdo it. Strengthening the muscles and the cardiovasc...

Sleep and Weight

Ahh, yes, that state of rest for body and soul. It’s the time when will power and consciousness are suspended, and when body functions are mostly ...

Protein Zaps Belly Fat

In a sedentary, over-fed, yet undernourished society, the dissolution of abdominal fat with a magic bullet is an incessant quest. First, we cut ou...

Off-Season Fitness

The off-season is the time for a well-deserved break, yet it might be viewed as a chance to get ready for next season. As each day passes you’ll l...