Diet is vital to preservation of vision as we age. Some people have a higher risk of losing central vision than others—based partly on genetics—but...
What is Phosphatidylcholine and How Can it Benefit Your Health?
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Using a sufficiently large set of data, the Cochrane Library, a highly respected international collaboration of evidence-based medicine reviews, wa...
There is little doubt that obesity in America is on the upswing. Lots of people think that an artificially-sweetened beverage can offset the poor d...
In a sequestered environment such as a classroom or dormitory, influenza can evoke concerns that are more than just casual. It has been noted by sc...
In his June 11, 2011 column for Newsmax Health (, Dr. Russell Blaylock, noted neurosurgeon and lecturer, admonished his reade...
Indoor air pollution is one of the most overlooked threats to human health. Households in developing countries might be the hardest hit. Because ch...
While a major study relating soda and obesity was done in California, the hypothesis, observations and outcomes are applicable to all the states of...
Cell membrane abnormalities in lipid content are found to be related to poor metabolic control, which is a characteristic of diabetes. Diet is a ve...
Fats and oils can be divided into two densities and two levels. The densities are not unlike the SAE oils, the Society of Automotive Engineers who ...