Sleep disorders are coming under closer scrutiny in a society plagued by their ubiquity, prompted by extraneous and self-induced pressures and obli...
What is Phosphatidylcholine and How Can it Benefit Your Health?
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Part of the mouth-watering experience of eating is what appeals to your color perception. Unless visually impaired, we see our food before we taste...
“Most children and adolescents who are strongly committed to sports are not concerned about nutrition as it relates to energy balance and obesity,”...
The upper part of the normal blood pressure range can be a danger zone for heart attack and stroke. Investigators at Kaiser Permanente, in Portlan...
If there exists such a philosophical regime that can bring a person closer to Elysium in every aspect of life—balance, health, aging—its enthusiast...
Some unfortunate persons are not able to convert essential fatty acids (EFA’s) from their parent forms to their more active metabolites, such as co...
Each child is unique and has his own distinct needs for sleep. Generally, a preschooler needs 10 to 12 hours a night, maybe with a nap during the ...
After years of acceptance as a safe and effective weed killer, a popular herbicide is facing the guillotine as teratogenic—it causes malformations ...
We like to think of ourselves as clean and fresh-smelling. But at what price? Although suspect for several years, the gentle aromas wafting from ...
One of the vagaries of parenthood is that we think we know more than our kids, enough to maintain a watchful eye over all they do and the places th...
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of the relative percentages of fat and muscle mass in the human body, based on a person’s weight and height,...